July 8-10, 2004

We arrive in Tucumcari, a classic Route 66 Town.  It was 104 degrees!

Friday afternoon we did a little tourist shopping.  Our Tepee trailer in front of Tepee Curios.  Notice the two spellings on their signs.

We decided to stay in the famous Blue Swallow Motel.  Staying in an non air conditioned tin can in 100 degrees did not appeal to us.

Friday night's entertainment was a dinner show with the Trailer Park Diva, Ruby Ann Boxcar.  Kathleen, Karen & Patsy meet Ruby Ann

Kenny entertains the crowd with a Route 66 story at the dinner show

Saturday - Our trailer display.  We only had three trailers, but it was very popular display with the folks attending the festival

Kathleen brought her little Scotty behind her Ford COE truck.

Saturday night ended up with a free concert in the high school theater.  Feature group was the legendary Fireballs, most famous for their 1960's hit, Sugar Shack


This site created and maintained by Larry Hill - larry@retrorestoration.com